Praising the Lord today for his goodness. These past three days have been a refreshing wind to my soul. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous and a little taste of fall. Fall is my favorite time of the year and its almost here! I cannot wait for cozy sweaters, hot chocolate, pumpkins, candy corn, and beautiful fall leaves. But most of all I am thankful for the Lord's sweetness and beauty throughout my favorite things. These past few weeks have been hectic with getting into the swings of things but He never changes. He is always steady. I am so grateful to be back at Ole Miss with all my friends and I get to walk around the most beautiful campus named by Newsweek! As i was walking on campus the other day, it hit me that I literally live in a dream world. Most beautiful campus, most beautiful students, great friends, and a family who loves me. I do have my stressful moments and worries here and there but honestly the Lord has blessed me beyond measure than what I ever deserve. Most of all I am his, a chosen child of the Lord Almighty. This bring such joy to my heart and brings me to my knees when I really think of his kindness and love. I get so caught up in the things he blesses us with instead of focusing on His love. So as my favorite time approaches I will praise him for the good and the bad. Each cool breeze, sunny day, or time with friends is a sweet sweet gift from him. Thank you Lord for who you are and all your many blessings!
Things I am looking forward to...

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