Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sweetly Broken

The past three days have been pretty crazy. Ill start with sunday and church. The church we have went to the past two sundays is in n'gwombe which is a small compound in Lusaka. I will post pics later but we have to walk this dirt trail then walk across this little bridge over a stream. It so beautiful and honestly picture perfect. The walls are made of blocks and they have dirt covered floors with a few wood benches. The service usually last 2 and a half hours and people share testimonies, sing, and the preacher gives a sermon. Its a HUGE difference from church back home. But worship is worship. No matter how we do it were still praising the same God. Five little girls were sitting behind me and mary cannon and kept grabbing our hair then giggling. They have never felt white people hair before and its so funny because they absolutely love it. Then they started scratching our backs and playing with our hair the whole service. They were so sweet and loving. Just a simple act as that truly showed me and mary cannon love. I love this church for so many reasons. One is the Holy Spirit is so present there. He fills the dirt room and takes my mind to a different place of worship. there are no lights, no music, no fancy clothes. Just God's children crying out to Him asking to see his face more and more. This church family has taught me so much about the body of christ. From the world's view i should be helping them, but each day they end up being the ones who are helping me the most.

Monday we went to campus and I was just tired and exhausted. I was sharing with Mary Cannon that day and it was our second time to be together. Its been so amazing because at home we've never shared together.But yesterday neither one of us were in the mood and just needed a break. Campus ministry has been one of my favorite parts of this trip but I hadnt been in the word the last two days and when I dont get my daily bread I get drained really fast. So we talked to a few girls and just prayed over the campus. then we went to angelas room. Angela is a student mary cannon met earlier in the week and she is a solid believer. We talked about life, her fiance, school, and our faith. It was so refreshing and just what i needed. Angela is so in love with the Lord and inspired me in so many ways. Her face just glows with radiance from the Holy Spirit and his love just pours out of her. For example, I started feeling really sick with my stomach again. Im still not completely healed from the parasite and my stomach will cramp and just make me feel super sick. So i laid down on her bed and just shut my eyes while she read psalm 18 to me. This was such a blessing! Here I am sick in africa, in a random zambians room and she is comforting me by showing me love through the word. She is 30 and getting married next year. She has known tedye for 10 years and they have been dating for 5 years. As we were talking about the wedding she said my bridesmaid dresses are going to be the color red. They will represent the blood of Jesus Christ. And I will wear white to represent purity since I have waited 30 years so I could honor the Lord and bring glory to him. So that just gives you a little idea of how amazing angela is. I was so blessed to meet another sister in Christ and praise his name together.

Today we went to life missions school and I will be posting about that soon. I have so much to share and I cant wait to post the pictures of the cutest kids you have ever seen! Well besides the newest rebel addition,hardy cole. Thank you so much for all your prayers. They definitely are making a difference for the kingdom. Each day the Lord is teaching me something new through his word, our team, and the zambians. I couldnt be more blessed. We havent had water in a few days at the place were staying at so no one has been able to shower. My clothes smell, my hair is beyond nasty, and I dont even want to think about my dirty sheets. Some people today jumped in a pool and then washed off but I am holding out as long as possible. So continue to pray for the spreading of the gospel, our team, and hopefully we can have water soon! But even if we dont it doesn't matter. Our satisfaction comes from God and God alone.
I love you, Lord;
you are my strength.
2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;
my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me,
and my place of safety.
Psalm 18:1-2

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