I can not believe I will be leaving for Zambia on Tuesday. I have not been thinking about the trip in hopes I will not stress and have a panic attack with all the things I have to do before I leave. After coming off such a high from Greek summit, I have not been that excited about my next trip to be honest. I know I am going to be out of my comfort zone and that scares me. I will not have any control over anything and I will have to trust on the Lord completely, which is something I don't have to do all the time because I make my life so comfortable. He is the only reason why I have breathe each day but I can drive my own car, get food whenever I want, shower, and do normal daily things without asking God for help. I know he allows me to do these things by his decision but I am not consciously relying on him to get throughout my day. The Lord has been so gracious to me and this is the first time in a while I can remember that I am going into the unknown. I do have a few worries but I know the Lord is going to provide.
This past Sunday at church our preacher did a sermon on missions and it was EXACTLY what i needed to hear. Here are some of the main points he talked about:
- If we are Christians, we are missionaries
- We don't save anyone, we just share the good news
- How important prayer is for the lost and missionaries
He also talked about the 3 things we can do as Christians:
1. Pray
2. Give
3. Go
I was convicted when he spoke about heaven and what that will be like. He reminded us that there will be worship, fellowship, serving, and completion in heaven with our maker. But there wont be evangelism. We only have this time to spread the good news and then its over. A
G-rated lukewarm christianity will not change an R-rated world. Whether it be africans or our next door neighbor we have a calling and a mission to share with everyone what the Lord has revealed to us. I am very excited about our trip and I can not wait to see how the Lord works!

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