Saturday, June 25, 2011
This will be another short post. I will probably do alot of posts when i get home and go through my journal day by day. But zambia is amazing and the people are so loving. They are so friendly and open to the gospel. We were at a medical clinic in N'dola for a few days and these days affected me the most. Some of the kids ran away from me because of my white skin. Eventually most came around. The women walked around nursing like it was no big deal. I was use to it after an hour or so but huge cultural shock. There was a room for spiritual needs and medical needs. I probably shared the gospel with 50 people over 2 days. It was absolutely amazing. Most are "christians" but when I ask them why shoud God let you into heaven? Most said I pray, Im a good person, I go to church. So i was able to share with them John 14:6 and Ephesians 2:8-9. I saw a RIDICULOUS amount of people pray to receive Christ. So many others of our team had the same experience. These people will now be in heaven with me and I will see them again. How awesome is our God!! I talked to some people who had visions of Jesus and thats how they accepted Him. The holy spirit is alive and changing lives! I will blog about this more later. KEEP PRAYING for our team. My sleep is semi better but please keep praying. Also, the freezing bucket showers, food, minibuses and handwashing clothes are becoming normal parts of our lives. praise Him that i have water to shower, I have shoes, a bed, and eternity with Him. All glory to Him. We serve a mighty God!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I have so much to say but this will be a short post. First off, this week has been absolutely incredible/difficult/joyful/sad and exciting We started off in Lusaka and went to a school and an orphange for the first two days. I have dreamed of this trip for so long and it was finally here. I was playing with kids, meeting new people, and singing african songs worshiping the Lord. But I didnt feel like i thought I would. I feel almost numb to all the poverty everywhere I look. But these people and children do not act poor. They are the most joyful people i have ever seen. There faces light up with joy because of the simple things. The kids just run and play with such happiness. I have never seen anyone become so excited over jumping up and down. I made eye contact with one little girl at the school, Marta, and she was stuck to me all day. She was covered in dirt but she was so beautiful. Her willingess to come into my arms reminds me of what childlike faith looks like. As i looked in her smiling face I saw Jesus and his love. He has created each person and loves them despite richness, poverty, or our sin. I am so blessed even to be writing this post. I wish i couyld share more but our time is limited. I will be updating soon but please be in prayer for me and our team. I have been struggling ALOT more than i imagined I would. This is so beyond my comfort zone and the Lord is breaking me of many things. I am processing so many emotions and I dont know how to respond to it all. So please pray for
- the Zambian people and our ministry
- my sleep, I havent been able to sleep well
- the Holy Spirit's guidance
- Strength and rest
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I can not believe I will be leaving for Zambia on Tuesday. I have not been thinking about the trip in hopes I will not stress and have a panic attack with all the things I have to do before I leave. After coming off such a high from Greek summit, I have not been that excited about my next trip to be honest. I know I am going to be out of my comfort zone and that scares me. I will not have any control over anything and I will have to trust on the Lord completely, which is something I don't have to do all the time because I make my life so comfortable. He is the only reason why I have breathe each day but I can drive my own car, get food whenever I want, shower, and do normal daily things without asking God for help. I know he allows me to do these things by his decision but I am not consciously relying on him to get throughout my day. The Lord has been so gracious to me and this is the first time in a while I can remember that I am going into the unknown. I do have a few worries but I know the Lord is going to provide.
This past Sunday at church our preacher did a sermon on missions and it was EXACTLY what i needed to hear. Here are some of the main points he talked about:
- If we are Christians, we are missionaries
- We don't save anyone, we just share the good news
- How important prayer is for the lost and missionaries
He also talked about the 3 things we can do as Christians:
1. Pray
2. Give
3. Go
I was convicted when he spoke about heaven and what that will be like. He reminded us that there will be worship, fellowship, serving, and completion in heaven with our maker. But there wont be evangelism. We only have this time to spread the good news and then its over. A
G-rated lukewarm christianity will not change an R-rated world. Whether it be africans or our next door neighbor we have a calling and a mission to share with everyone what the Lord has revealed to us. I am very excited about our trip and I can not wait to see how the Lord works!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
"God is not pleased man, it's clear that His standards missed The world is running rampant with, sin it's an abandonment
Man is feeling stranded, feeling hopeless since his banishment God is angry at the distortion and the mismanagement Evil is at work, but don't be thinking He can't handle it He promised He would do away with all of it, dismantle it He's put up with this damage in His world, but He's promised us That He'll destroy all His enemies and then He'll walk with us New Heaven, new Earth that's where all His sheep dwell Cause Jesus succeeded in every part of life that we failed Died the death we couldn't die, paid our price with 3 nails. Began the work He promised, in the end we all will be well Already beat our enemies and when His Kingdom's realized All those who oppose Him will see Jesus with some real eyes Deliverance is offered us, the hero He is urging us Salvation is exclusive to His people who have turned to trust" -Trip Lee
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