Saturday, October 29, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
7 Truths

"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. MATTHEW 6:33
I want to spend just one more day wrapping up these seven non-negotiables of life—because when you see them together like this, it becomes much clearer what they're all about.
1. Seek God, not sin.
2. Fear God, not man.
3. Love God, not the world.
4. Believe God, not the deceiver.
5. Obey God, not your appetites.
6. Serve God, not self.
7. Worship God, not comfort.
We know in our heads that we should put God first and ourselves last. What we're not always sure about, though, is how to apply that theoretical truth in real life—during a routine business meeting or a normal Thursday afternoon or walking to class.
That's what these seven simple action points are all about. When every intersection of life begins with an eye toward God—the way each of the statements in this list does—our lives begin to more closely resemble our professed beliefs.
I urge you to type out and print these seven non-negotiables, put them in your pocket or purse and discover how often they apply to the choices you make in the course of an average day. They'll help you not just remember your need to put God first, but also see how to do it.
Choose one of these non-negotiables right now, and talk about how applying it in the circumstance you are facing would make a huge difference.
Taking turns, pray your way through these seven."
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Monday, October 3, 2011
They Swam Home