For the past two weeks I have been at my favorite place in the world, the beach. I had the privilege of returning to Greek Summit this year as student staff. I have blogged before about GS last year and how it changed my life. This time was a completely difference experience but in the best way possible. Everything was the same except me. It took me a while to process everything because just a year ago I was at this place completely broken before the Lord. I was staying in the same houses, running the same streets, going to the same church, but everything was different. How amazing is our God! I still cant get over how faithful and loving He is. Being able to go back was such a sweet and humbling gift from the Lord.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.-Jeremiah 29:13
This verse sums up the fruitfulness of our ministry at Greek Summit. The Holy Spirit moved in unbelievable ways in so many lives. Many students accepted Christ on the trip and fully surrendered from a divided life! All of their stories of how they ended up at GS were so divinely appointed by the Lord because without him they never would have gotten there. It was so encouraging to be around these students because they were beyond hungry for the word and His presence. They were so teachable and eager to learn. I will post more about GS later but here are a few pictures

Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him! -Psalm 34:8