Daughter of the King
And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will. -Romans 8:27
Praise the Lord for hearing our prayers and answering them. These past few weeks I have been reflecting on prayer and what that means. I watched a sermon by Louie Giglio on prayer and it made me wonder, am I praying according to God's will and through the Spirit? 4 key "prayer" sayings that Louie pointed out were:
God just be with us today
Lord please bless this time
Lord watch over and protect us
Bless this food to the nourishment of our bodies
I know I have said these things numerous times and never thought twice about it. They are not bad things by any means but if we really think about what we are saying we are just repeating what we heard someone else say. We have typical "Christian" prayers that we say over and over.My go to phrase is Lord just be with us today. But there are many verses in the Bible that discuss how Jesus will always be with us and never forsake us. I continually ask this of him but he reassures us through scripture I AM WITH YOU
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” -Matthew 28:20
The Lord has opened my eyes to the greatness and calamity of true prayer. I do not want my words to be meaningless when I am praying to the creator of heaven and earth. What a privilege it is to be able to speak to Him freely! He is beyond worthy of our praise and deserves
True Worship
Hearts willing to serve
All praise and glory